Embrace the global market with online print advertising that reaches out to readers around the world, all within a budget-friendly framework.
Embrace the global market with online print advertising that reaches out to readers around the world, all within a budget-friendly framework.
Ingram and Library Marketing
Gain unparalleled access to bookstores and libraries across the U.S. with features in Ingram’s Advance catalog, ensuring your book is spotted by industry buyers and library patrons alike.
Ingram and Library Marketing Highlight your title to bookstore and library buyers across the globe. Get featured on Ingram’s popular Advance catalog and get your physical book delivered in 50 universities and libraries across the U.S. Published monthly and distributed five weeks prior to the issue month, Advance is a comprehensive title listing and purchasing tool. Included are hardcover, trade paper, audiobook, gifts & games, and mass-market titles.
What you get
Circulation: 7,000 top U.S. booksellers and librarians; and in PDF format to over 27,000 international and domestic customers. What you get: An ad on Ingram’s Advance catalog Query letter addressed and sent to 50 librarians 50 physical copies of your book to be sent to 50 universities